Courses > Low Voltage > Refresher in the Safe Operation of Low Voltage Power Systems (Authorised Person) (LV5)
Refresher in the Safe Operation of Low Voltage Power Systems (Authorised Person) (LV5)
This course aims to refresh the knowledge, skills and experience of the candidates relating to safe practices and legislation applicable to low voltage power systems. It enables candidates to perform advanced LV switching operations on industrial LV networks up to 1000 volts AC and 1500 volts DC. The course includes both classroom theory as well as practical exercises.

Course content
- Electricity at Work Regulations 1989
- Understanding the arc blast hazards
- Low Voltage safety rules
- Test equipment for proving dead
- Low Voltage operational procedures
- Low Voltage protective devices
- Practical exercises
Who should attend?
This course is intended for experienced personnel who are LV authorised for the operation, commissioning, testing, inspection, maintenance or repair of low voltage power systems.

Candidates who successfully complete the course and both theoretical and practical assessments will receive The Faraday Centre competence certificate. Candidates who fail will receive The Faraday Centre attendance certificate.

This course is intended for experienced personnel who are LV authorised for the operation, commissioning, testing, inspection, maintenance or repair of low voltage power systems.